Ultra Stunt Danger Academy
Town Frontage
Our town frontage consists of:
- Haphazard fence and wooden entry way
- USDA sign on entry (haphazardly painted?)
- Caution tape
- Fake barbed wire (not shown in graphic..)
- Christmas lights
- Spotlights on entry (not shown in graphics..)
- Continuously running recorded danger/warning messages (not shown..)
- Danger signs
- Haley's Danger Mailbox (info below)
- USDA map ("you are here")
Haley's Danger Mailbox is a regular looking mailbox with DANGER
painted on the side (and probably "Ultra Stunt Danger Academy").
When it is opened, it makes a loud explosion sound and an
extremely high wattage flash pops off inside. Boom!
It does say DANGER after all.
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