
Initial lighting plan (back)
The trailer problem!
(I went with the last option and it's working great!)
  1. As mentioned, the running rope from trailer corner to vehicle corner to vehicle corner to train does not work. And yes, I've tried it, and the difference in distances that can on the borders can vary by like 2 feet
  2. I tried running bungie cords with chain hanging across it, and the DMV said it wasn't safe enough.
  3. I've thought about something like a pair of telescoping antennas, but couldn't find any that would go from 1' to 7', especially not strong enough to stop random drunk walking person.
  4. I thought about using retracting seatbelts, but I see the problem where any "locking" that is quick enough to stop the "drunk walking person" is also going to lock up on either a quicker turn or else just from plowing through bumpy playa. So I thought about attaching it on one end with sandwiched velcro, so if it's caught on a turn it can rip free instead of bending the metal posts on the trailer it's attached to. This seems super finicky, and I imagine the seatbelts will start getting clogged with playa.
  5. Use a metal expanding barricade, like a smaller version of this. also needs to be able to pivot, to handle some twisting that will happen as the trailer goes over a playa dune, for example. Possibly remedied by only attaching at one point on the trailer but connecting completely to the vehicle

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